Bulk Delete Template - Building SaaS with Python and Django #118 Notes In this episode, I worked on the bulk delete template that users will see when deleting tasks within the homeschool app. Join my newsletter to learn about Python and Django with 1,600+ other developers! Newer #twitch #Python #Django #SaaS #htmx #django-htmx Working With django-htmx - Building SaaS with Python and Django #119 In this episode, I added django-htmx to help finish off a bulk task deletion feature for my homeschool app. We explored the features that are available in django-htmx, and I showed how to … Older #Python #Data Science #Pandas #FinRA #markets Pandas for Data Analysis #Pandas is a great library for reading and manipulating data. Chris Malec gave an overview of pandas, focusing on how to read in some common data types, create filters to specific table …