Episode 12 - Success With Static Files

On this episode, our focus will be on static files. Static files are vital to your application, but they have little to do with Python code. We’ll see what they are and what they do.

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Last Episode

On the last episode, we looked at Django middleware. We discussed why middleware is useful and how you can work with it.

What Are Static Files?

Static files are files that don’t change when your application is running.

These files do a lot to improve your application, but they aren’t dynamically generated by your Python web server. In a typical web application, your most common static files will be the following types:

  • Cascading Style Sheets, CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Images

Static files are crucial to your Django project because the modern web requires more than dynamically generated HTML markup. Do you visit any website that has zero styling of its HTML? These kinds of sites exist and can be awesome for making a quick tool, but most users expect websites to be aesthetically pleasing. For us, that means that we should be prepared to include some CSS styling at a minimum.


To use static files in your project, you need the django.contrib.staticfiles app in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS list. This is another one of the default Django applications that Django will include if you start from the startproject command.

The staticfiles app has a handful of settings that we need to consider to start.

# project/settings.py


STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")]

Next, we can define the URL path prefix that Django will use when it serves a static file. Let’s says you have site.css in the root of your project’s static directory. You probably wouldn’t want the file to be accessible as mysite.com/site.css. To do so would mean that static files could conflict with URL paths that your app might need to direct to a view. The STATIC_URL setting lets us namespace our static files and, as the Zen of Python says:

Namespaces are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!

# project/settings.py


STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")]
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

With STATIC_URL set, we can access site.css from mysite.com/static/site.css.

There’s one more crucial setting that we need to set, and it is called STATIC_ROOT. When we deploy our Django project, Django wants to find all static files from a single directory. The reason for this is for efficiency. It’s possible for Django to search through all the app static directories and any directories set in STATICFILES_DIRS whenever it searches for a file to serve, but that would be slow.

Once we set STATIC_ROOT, Django will have the desired output location for static files. If you set the path somewhere in your repository, don’t forget to put that path in your .gitignore if you’re using version control with Git (and I highly recommend that you do!). I happen to set my STATIC_ROOT to a staticfiles directory.

# project/settings.py


STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")]
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "staticfiles")
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

Working With Static Files

The primary way of working with static files is with a template tag. The static template tag will help render the proper URL for a static file for your site.

{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static "css/site.css" %}">
  <h1>Example of static template tag!</h1>

Since we know that STATIC_URL is /static/ from the configuration section, why don’t I hardcode the link tag path to /static/css/site.css? You could, and that might work, but you’ll probably run into some long term problems.

  • What if you ever wanted to change STATIC_URL? Maybe you want to change it to something shorter like /s/. If you hardcode the name, now you have more than one place to change.
  • Using some extra features, Django may change the name of a file to something unique by adding a hash to the file name. With a hardcoded path of /static/css/site.css, this may lead to a 404 response if Django expects the unique name instead. We’ll see what the unique name is for in the next section.

We should remember to use the static tag in the same way that we use the url tag when we want to resolve a Django URL path. Both of these tags help avoid harcoding paths that can change.

# application/views.py

from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.templatetags.static import static

def get_css(request):
    return JsonResponse({'css': static('css/site.css')})

Deployment Considerations

When you deploy your application to a server, one crucial setting to disable is the DEBUG setting. If DEBUG is on, all kinds of secret data can leak from your application, so the Django developers expect DEBUG to be False for your live site. Because of this expectation, certain parts of Django behave differently when DEBUG changes, and the staticfiles app is one such part.

When DEBUG is True and you are using the runserver command to run the development web server, Django will search for files using a set of “finders” whenever a user requests a static file. These finders are defined by the STATICFILES_FINDERS setting, which defaults to:


As you might guess, the FileSystemFinder looks for any static files found in the file system directory that we listed in STATICFILES_DIRS. The AppDirectoriesFinder looks for static files in the static directory of each Django application that you have. You can see how this gets slow when you realize that Django will walk through len(STATICFILES_DIRS) + len(INSTALLED_APPS) before giving up to find a single file.

collectstatic will copy all the files it discovers from iterating through each finder and collecting files from what a finder lists. In my example below, my Django project directory is myproject, and I set STATIC_ROOT to staticfiles.

$ ./manage.py collectstatic

42 static files copied to '/Users/matt/myproject/staticfiles'.

When deploying your application to your server, you would run collectstatic before starting the web server. By doing that, you ensure that the web server can access any static files that the Django app might request.

Optimizing Performance In Django

The last setting we’ll consider is the STATICFILES_STORAGE setting. This setting controls how static files are stored and accessed by Django. We may want to change STATICFILES_STORAGE to improve the efficiency of the application. The biggest boost we can get from this setting will provide file caching.

In an ideal world, your application would only have to serve a static file exactly one time to a user’s browser. In that scenario, if an application needed to use the file again, then the browser would reuse the cached file that it already retrieved. The challenge that we have is that static files (ironically?) change over time.

The “trick” is to serve a “fingerprinted” version of the file. As a part of the deployment process, we would like to uniquely identify each file with some kind of version information. An easy way for a computer to do this is to take the file’s content and calculate a hash value. We can have code take site.css, calculate the hash, and generate a file with the same content, but with a different filename like site.abcd1234.css if abcd1234 was the generated hash value.

The next part of the process is to make the template rendering use the site.abcd1234.css name. Remember how we used the static template tag instead of hardcoding /static/css/site.css? This example is a great reason why we did that. By using the static tag, Django can render the filename that includes the hash instead of only using site.css.

The final bit that brings this scheme together is to tell the browser to cache site.abcd1234.css for a very long time by sending back a certain caching header in the HTTP response.

  • If the user fetches site.abcd1234.css, their browser will keep it for a long time and never need to download it again. This can reused every time the user visits a page in your app.
  • If we ever change site.css, then the deployment process can generate a new file like site.ef567890.css. When the user makes a request, the HTML will include the new version, their browser won’t have it in the cache, and the browser will download the new version with your new changes.

Great! How do we get this and how much work is it going to require? The answer comes back to the STATICFILES_STORAGE setting and a tool called WhiteNoise (get it!? “white noise” is “static.” har har).

WhiteNoise is a pretty awesome piece of software. The library will handle that entire caching scheme that I described above.

To set up WhiteNoise, you install it with pip install whitenoise. Then, you need to change your MIDDLEWARE list and STATICFILES_STORAGE settings.

# project/settings.py


  # ...


When your application runs, the WhiteNoise middleware will handle which files to serve. Because files are static and don’t require dynamic processing, we include the middleware high on the list to skip a lot of needless extra Python processing. In my configuration example, I left the SecurityMiddleware above WhiteNoise so the app can still benefit from certain security protections.

The scheme that I described is not the only way to handle static files. In fact, there are some tradeoffs to think about:

  1. Building with WhiteNoise means that we only need to deploy a single app and let Python handle all of the processing.
  2. Python, for all its benefits, is not the fastest programming language out there. Leaving Python to serve your static requests will run slower than some other methods. Additionally, your web server’s processes must spend time serving the static files rather than being fully devoted to dynamic requests.

Optimizing Performance With A Reverse Proxy

An alternative approach to using Django to serve static files is to use another program as a reverse proxy. This setup is more complex, but it can offer better performance if you need it. A reverse proxy is software that sits between your users and your Django application server. CloudFlare has a good article if you want to understand why “reverse” is in the name.

If you set up a reverse proxy, you can instruct it to handle many things, including URL paths coming to your site’s domain. This is where STATIC_ROOT and collectstatic are useful outside of Django. You can set a reverse proxy to serve all the files that Django collects into STATIC_ROOT.

The process is roughly:

  1. Run collectstatic to put files into STATIC_ROOT.
  2. Configure the reverse proxy to handle any URL pattern that starts with STATIC_URL (recall /static/ as an example) and pass those requests to the directory structure of STATIC_ROOT.
  3. Anything that doesn’t look like a static file (e.g., /accounts/login/) is delegated to the app server running Django.

In this setup, the Django app never has to worry about serving static files because the reverse proxy takes care of those requests before reaching the app server. The performance boost comes from the reverse proxy itself. Most reverse proxies are designed in very high performance languages like C because they are designed to handle a specific problem: routing requests. This flow lets Django handle the dynamic requests that it needs to and prevents the slower Python processes from doing work that reverse proxies are built for.

If this kind of setup appeals to you, one such reverse proxy that you can consider is Nginx. The configuration of Nginx is beyond the scope of this series, but there are plenty of solid tutorials that will show how to configure a Django app with Nginx.


In this episode, we covered static files.

We looked at:

  • How to configure static files
  • The way to work with static files
  • How to handle static files when deploying your site to the internet

Next Time

On the next episode, we’re going to talk about testing your app. We’ll see how automated tests can provide you the peace of mind that your application works as you expect.

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