Episode 11 - Here, There, Middleware

On this episode, we will investigate Django middleware and see where it goes in your project. In the process, you’ll see why middleware is useful and how you can work with it.

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Last Episode

On the last episode, we’re going to look at working with users in a Django project. We’ll see Django’s tools for identifying users and checking what those users are permitted to do on your website.

How Should I Think About Middleware?

Middleware is code that exists in the middle. “In the middle of what?” you might ask. The “middle” is the code between when an HttpRequest is created by the framework to the time where your view code is called by Django. The “middle” can also refer to the time after your view completes but before the HttpResponse is translated to bytes by Django to send over the network to a browser.

What’s shown below is a diagram of all the default middleware that is included when you run the startproject command.

               +--------- SecurityMiddleware --------------+
               |+-------- SessionMiddleware --------------+|
               ||+------- CommonMiddleware --------------+||
               |||+------ CsrfViewMiddleware -----------+|||
               ||||+----- AuthenticationMiddleware ----+||||
               |||||+---- MessageMiddleware ----------+|||||
               ||||||+--- XFrameOptionsMiddleware ---+||||||
               |||||||                               |||||||
HttpRequest =================> view function ==================> HttpResponse
               |||||||                               |||||||

How does Django make this layering work? When you start Django with an application server like Gunicorn, you have to give the application server the path to your WSGI module. If your project directory containing your settings file is called project, then calling Gunicorn looks like:

$ gunicorn project.wsgi

Remember way back in the first episode that WSGI stands for the Web Server Gateway Interface and is the common layer that synchronous Python web apps must implement in order to work with Python application servers. Inside this project.wsgi module is a function called get_wsgi_application.

get_wsgi_application does two things:

  • Calls django.setup which does all the startup configuration that we saw in the last article
  • Returns a WSGIHandler instance

The base handler includes a load_middleware method. This method has the job of iterating through all the middleware listed in your MIDDLEWARE setting. As it iterates through the MIDDLEWARE, the method’s primary objective is to include each middleware in the middleware chain.

The chain represents each instance of Django middleware, layered together, to produce the desired effect of allowing a request and response to pass through each middleware.

Aside from building the middleware chain, load_middleware must do some other important configuration.

  • The method handles synchronous and asynchronous middleware. As Django increases its support of async development (a future topic in this series), the internals of Django need to manage the differences. load_middleware makes some alterations depending on what it can discover about a middleware class.
  • The method registers a middleware with certain sets of middleware based on the presence of various hook methods. We’ll discuss those hooks later in this article.

AuthenticationMiddleware has the singular job of adding a user property to every HttpRequest object that passes through the application before the request gets to view code.

The AuthenticationMiddleware highlights some qualities that are good for middleware in Django.

  • A middleware should ideally have a narrow or singular objective.
  • A middleware should run a minimal amount of code.

How Can I Write My Own Custom Middleware?

You can begin with an empty middleware definition. In my example, we’re going to put the middleware in a middleware.py file.

class AwesomeMiddleware:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def __call__(self, request):
        return self.get_response(request)

After creating the middleware, you add it to your settings.

# project/settings.py


We can break down how this class works.

  • The __init__ method gets a callable that is conventionally named get_response. The middleware is created during load_middleware and the callable is a key part of what makes the middleware chain work. The callable will either call the next middleware or the view depending on where the current middleware is in the chain.
  • The __call__ method transforms the middleware instance itself into a callable. The method must call get_response to ensure that the chain is unbroken.

If you want to do extra work, you can make changes to the __call__ method. You can modify __call__ to process changes before or after the call of get_response. In the request/response lifecycle, changes before get_response occur before the view is called while changes after get_response can handle the response itself or any other post-request processing.

import logging
import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AwesomeMiddleware:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def __call__(self, request):
        before_timestamp = time.time()
        logger.info(f"Tracking {before_timestamp}")

        response = self.get_response(request)

        after_timestamp = time.time()
        delta = after_timestamp - before_timestamp
        logger.info(f"Tracking {after_timestamp} for a delta of {delta}")

        return response

A Django middleware can define any of three different hook methods that Django will run at different parts of the request/response lifecycle. The three methods are:

  • process_exception - This hook is called whenever a view raises an exception. This could include an uncaught exception from the view, but the hook will also receive exceptions that are intentionally raised like Http404.
  • process_template_response - This hook is called whenever a view returns a response that looks like a template response (i.e., the response object has a render method).
  • process_view - This hook is called right before the view.
import logging
import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AwesomeMiddleware:
    def __init__(self, get_response):
        self.get_response = get_response

    def __call__(self, request):
        before_timestamp = time.time()
        logger.info(f"Tracking {before_timestamp}")

        response = self.get_response(request)

        after_timestamp = time.time()
        delta = after_timestamp - before_timestamp
        logger.info(f"Tracking {after_timestamp} for a delta of {delta}")

        return response

    def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
        logger.info(f"Running {view_func.__name__} view")

Now our middleware uses Python’s reflection capabilities to record the view’s name. If accessing the Django admin with an unauthenticated user, the log might record something like:

Tracking 1607438038.232886
Running login view
Tracking 1607438038.261855 for a delta of 0.02896881103515625

Want to learn more about hooks? You can see all the details about these hooks in the middleware documentation.

What Middleware Does Django Include?

We’ve looked at the mental model for middleware and all the details of how an individual middleware works. What middleware does Django include in the framework?

The full list of built-in middleware is available in the middleware reference. I’ll describe what I think are the most common or useful middleware classes that Django includes.

  • AuthenticationMiddleware - We’ve already encountered this middleware in the exploration of the auth system. The job of this middleware is to add the user attribute to an HttpRequest object. That one little user attribute powers many of the features of the auth system.
  • CommonMiddleware - The common middleware is a bit of an oddball. This middleware handles a variety of Django settings to control certain aspects of your project. For instance, the APPEND_SLASH setting will redirect a request like example.com/accounts to example.com/accounts/. This setting only works if the CommonMiddleware is included.
  • CsrfViewMiddleware - In the forms article, I mentioned the CSRF token. As a reminder, this is a security feature that helps protect your project against malicious sources that want to send bad data to your site. The CsrfViewMiddleware ensures that the CSRF token is present and valid on form submissions.
  • LocaleMiddleware - This middleware is for handling translations if you choose to internationalize your project. We’ll look into internationalization in a future article.
  • MessageMiddleware - The message middleware is for “flash messages.” These are one-time messages that you’d likely see after submitting a form, though they can be used in many places. We’ll discuss messages more when we get to the sessions topic.
  • SecurityMiddleware - The security middleware includes a number of checks to help keep your site secure. We saw the example of checking for HTTPS earlier in this article. This middleware also handles things like XSS, HSTS, and a bunch of other acronyms (😛) that will be seen with the future security topic.
  • SessionMiddleware - The session middleware manages session state for a user. Sessions are crucial for many parts of Django like user auth.

As you can see from this incomplete list, Django’s middleware can do a lot to enrich your project in a wide variety of ways. Middleware is an extremely powerful concept for Django projects and a great tool to extend your application’s request handling.


In this episode, we explored middleware.

That exposed you to:

  • The mental model for considering middleware
  • How to write your own middleware
  • Some of the middleware classes that come with Django

Next Time

On the next episode, I’ll chat about static files. Static files are CSS, JavaScript, images, and the like. We will look at how Django works with those kinds of files in your project.

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