Lua Log #8: HTTP Parsing

Since my last entry about Atlas, I built a couple of fundamental abstractions into my framework: a Request object and a Response object.

At this point in the web framework, I’m shooting to keep the number of supporting protocols to a minimum. Even though the ASGI specification discusses a few different protocols like HTTP and websockets, I only intend to focus on HTTP for now.

Because I’m focused exclusively on HTTP, I can think about the core semantics of that protocol. The request and response are the fundamental input and output units for a server.

I created a Request object so that the Atlas framework side will have a consistent interface. An Atlas application author will write controller functions that receive a request instance. The request will hold the HTTP method (e.g., GET or POST) as well as some other attributes like a request body if there was submitted data. I think this will be preferable over having a framework user deal with the data structure defined by the ASGI spec.

The Response object is the output side of the equation. The framework will provide tools to create responses in the future, but for now, an author could directly create a response and set the content type, the status code, and the response body. Eventually, I’ll hook the response object to the template engine to allow a more useful combination for users.

Before my project even has the possibility of being useful, I need to do more work on the server. Currently, the server can only send a hardcoded Request to the application. The server properly connects over a TCP socket, but it ignores any of the incoming data!

The reason that the server ignores the incoming data is because there is no parsing logic to handle the HTTP protocol. My next goal is to add an HTTP parser that can read the bytes from the network connection and translate it into a semantic HTTP request that can be passed to the app.

Where I can I get a parser from?

  • I can use a parser written for Lua by someone else.
  • I can use a parser written in a low level language and hook it into Lua with a “binding” layer.
  • I can write my own parser.

I explored all three possibilities this week.

I first looked at what was available in Lua. I found a couple of intriguing options. First, I discovered lua-http-parser. This library is a binding on top of Ryan Dahl’s http-parser written in C. Ryan Dahl is the original author of Node.js and http-parser was the library used by Node for many years. While researching this library, I learned that http-parser is no longer used by Node and is considered unmaintainable. That’s not the kind of library that I want to use!

Next, I looked at lua-http. This Lua library seems promising and well done, but as I looked into it, I don’t think it would be compatible with libuv. lua-http seems to handle the TCP connections that libuv wants to handle. I didn’t know how to make those things play nicely with each other.

After exploring the Lua space, I looked for C-based libraries. Since Lua is written in C, it’s reasonable to consider using a C library and using Lua’s C API to write a layer that can expose an interface into the Lua interpreter. As mentioned earlier, http-parser and lua-http-parser do exactly that, but I didn’t want to depend on an unmaintained library.

Knowing that the http-parser library was unmaintained, I looked into the successor library used by Node.js, llhttp. This parser has a ton of nice attributes going for it. The API is minimal and it’s blazing fast.

At this juncture, I had a philosophical question to answer. What do I want to learn about? Do I want to learn how to make a Lua binding library? Do I want to learn how to handle HTTP myself?

I’ve faced similar questions at various stages of this project. At different levels in the stack, I could choose to write something myself or rely on someone else’s tools. For instance, I made the choice to use lpeg to have a parser for my template engine instead of writing a parsing library myself.

In this scenario, I’ve decided that it would be more fun and interesting for me to write an HTTP parser instead of learning how to write a Lua binding. My C skills are very rusty and weren’t super strong to begin with. Also, I’d like to keep my development toolchain simpler and stick with Lua code exclusively as long as possible.

Therefore, I’m now reading HTTP specifications. I’m positive that whatever HTTP parser I write will be slower and likely full of bugs since I don’t have a full understanding of the HTTP specs, but I’m excited to go on this journey and see what it take to build a protocol parser in Lua.

Over the coming weeks, I’m going to try to balance spec reading and implementation time. I don’t want to read the entire spec before writing a line of code. Engaging with some code (even if it’s wrong) will help keep my interest level up. I’d like to get a basic parser working so I can do some end-to-end testing with my framework.

Thanks for reading! Have questions? Let me know on X at @mblayman.