Completing Account Deactivation on Building SaaS with Python and Django

In the latest episode of Building SaaS with Python and Django, we completed the account deactivation workflow of the Django app.

This included:

  • Canceling the subscription with Stripe.
  • Marking the user as inactive.
  • Sending the user to a friendly page to indicate that their account is deactivated.

The recording is available on YouTube and the full transcript is below.

Full Transcript

Hello. Welcome to Building SaaS with Python and Django. I’m Matt Layman, and I’m your streamer. I’m a software engineer who does a lot of Python development and we work on a Django app here. I teach you things that I know about building web applications.

The goal of this is mostly about teaching so if you have any questions shoot them over that way in the chat. You can also follow me on YouTube or Twitch or whatever. If you catch this on YouTube in the future and you want to catch me live you can follow me on Twitch and I’ll let you know when I’m streaming up but it’s typically on Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

Tonight, we’re going to be working on an account deactivation flow for the app that I build. We’ve been working on this for a couple streams and we’re getting close to the end. There’s just a few more pieces that that are in play.

Last week’s stream we we worked on deactivating a Stripe subscription so canceling the subscription with the Stripe service which is what I used to do recurring billing. That piece is done and we’re going to be working from this GitHub issue which I’m recording all of the pieces that are needed to get the full account deactivation flow. The two remaining to do is a deactivated page and then logging out the user when they successfully deactivate and handling what should happen after they’re done to make sure that they can’t get back into the service and get it for free if if they try to attempt to log in.

I thought today we could start with the deactivated page just kind of give an endpoint a finality to this and then build out from that bastion. We’re going to jump over to our code and I haven’t committed since the last time so there’s still some from last week. The last thing that we worked on was the actual form saved so we have a Django form. I guess one one call out that I want to mention is at last week I discussed handling internal errors so “what happens if Stripe errors?”

We don’t want the site to blow up in front of the user but at the same time we want to be able to report a problem so we did we threw a custom exception. This conductor error that’s down here. If there’s a problem with Stripe, any problem at all, because it’s it’s a problem that needs to be handled and then we provide a message to the user to say “Hey something went wrong. Contact support to get it fixed.” Because you’re trying to deactivate your account, that’s really that’s not good news. But the piece that was missing is I didn’t know how to still collect what actually failed from Stripe and getting it into my error reporting. I didn’t know the API at the time. I went up and looked it up after the stream was over and I’m a Rollbar user so it turns out Rollbar makes this super easy.

If you’re in an exception block you can do this report exec info which will implicitly call sys.exec_info or whatever the thing is to get to collect the trace back information and that will send it off to Rollbar so it should transmit that information appropriately. When you have an error though, the way this was connected is I used Python 3’s from exception feature.

Let’s see if I can back up to show you what I’m talking about. Well let’s go to the actual code so now there is in the forms we go to our deactivate form. No, it was in the Gateway. Alright, I’ll get there, I promise.

We have our canceled subscription and we’re catching the most generic Stripe error that can be happening which is this, and, in Python 3, a feature that was added later in along and Python 3 that’s not part of light than 2. It’s using the from keyword here so that if you’re raising a new error from a different error that that whole traceback is aggregated together.

When I am submitting information to Rollbar, it’s not terribly useful if all I did was submit that over there was a Conductor error. I really need the Stripe information to tell me what was really the problem. This from exception line here or a rest of the line will be critical to actually making the report to prove are useful.

That’s where we ended last week and we need to get back to the view and I’ve got a couple diffs in here. The same kind of stuff that’s in GitHub but what right now we were hard coding this to redirect to the dashboard which is just wrong. I just needed a place over to kind of indicate that somewhere that would happen that’s different from the settings page on an error state. What I really want to have happen here is this needs to go to a deactivated, if I spelled right, to deactivated route and that doesn’t exist yet. But that is where we need to go so I’m gonna leave us like that and then we’re going to go ahead and write a test for this.

So test_success, we already have that this is asserting the location of the redirect so let’s do deactivated here. And that would be the passing test, but right now this is gonna fail because we don’t have that view yet. It’s gonna say I looked up deactivated and that URL does not exist.

You need to do something about that so let’s go to the URLs file and except the activated page is going to be an unauthenticated page because part of this process of deactivation is logging the user out so that they no longer have access to their previous dashboard. It can be a pretty dumb page in a lot of ways.

We’re gonna put it as a template view and where should we put that so I kind of have… here we go… I guess I’ve got a comment hint for myself here that this is what we want marketing and not authenticated views so these are sort of grouped in a way that sign up these are sort of related things that we need. And this stops being true down around here so I should probably do put a little blank because these things are all authenticated views.

The deactivate view that is the action at the settings when we actually click the button to deactivate that’s that’s what it’s calling this view and that’s not what we want. We want that like past tense if you’ve already done it. Let’s come up to the bottom here of the non authenticated stuff and we’ll say right here at the bottom and this is just going to be deactivated. I want to do a template view, as view, and the template name.

We could put this in an accounts area. This is related to accounts and that accounts path so that seems fitting. Where this view is coming from and we’ll call this deactivated HTML and then I guess we need a name. The name is “deactivated” so I think I expect the test will still fail.

I see. It was Black’s formatting that to this. Here’s Black will not try and collapse us again. We’ll say authenticated views. That’s what was happening. It is still trying to collapse it but that’s fine at least we now have a separator to know why. I didn’t actually know why those were grouped together before, but Black is auto-formatting that. We have our deactivated page that is gonna be a generic template view that doesn’t require any of the authorization/authentication and that should be enough.

Coming back to that test I think this will still fail because what’s going to happen is the template view is going to try and instantiate and that deactivated template doesn’t exist yet. Oh No, okay, maybe it’s because it’s not trying to actually execute it. It’s fine. so it’s just doing a redirect so that’s okay so maybe we need a test to prove that you can get a 200 on that page. Let’s come back. Let’s take this guy and we’re going to now do test “deactivated” and our test is going to be pretty dumb. We’re going to test that it’s just okay so we need a request the requestfactory it doesn’t need to be authenticated so a simple get request should do the trick.

We can use the client. Do I have a client? I don’t know that I have a client attached to this. In that case, since we’re doing we’re using the client which is a something that Django has as a testing tool which does kind of what it sounds like. It’s doing web requests basically and, in fact, I need to do a get like that. We’re doing a get request and we are going to do it on the deactivated page like so. It’s going to give us a response and we want to assert that the response is a 200. This doesn’t test the content of the deactivated page but it proves that the page is at least wired properly. This should fail right now because we have not defined the template let’s see if we’re right.

Yeah doesn’t even get to the response because it says the template doesn’t exist so let’s go to the templates area. There’s an accounts in here. What I shouldn’t what I want to copy it from don’t really want to use this signup template. I want something super basic because the deactivated page the message that I want to put on there is a polite message. But essentially it’s a message telling people “sorry to see you go. if you want to be reactivated you’re going to need to contact support to reactivate your account” because I’m not going to go through a flow right now of letting people log in, access their some version of their account, and sign themselves back up.

I don’t feel like dealing with that at the moment because I have low traffic so we need a pretty simple page and trying to think of what would be a good fit. Let’s take a look at the actual college conductor site and see if I can find one that I like let’s look at the privacy page. A bit too legalesy. so I would probably want sort of a box that says here’s what’s going on. Maybe something more like the login page was just a box that was like this. But it wasn’t. Instead of a form, had kind of a message that said “your account is now deactivated.”

That’s probably sufficient so let’s see if we can find that login page. Which is a good put where did I put that. There it is. I’m going to yank all this information pop yet come into accounts do deactivated html to paste in here. At the moment I don’t care what the content is. Run the test. It still passes now which it wasn’t doing before. That’s good news and then we’re gonna come over here and we’re going to mess around with the deactivated page. We’re happy with this so I want to get off of actual production site and jump over to localhost.

This is a kind of view that we’ll be hiding in plain sight but it won’t be linked to anything so it’s not like Google is going to crawl this and find this page so it’s okay that’s you know if someone happened to come to my deactivated page. It’s not going to bother me. Let’s go to the template and the rest of this is just sort of messing with the template so we have to change this to account deactivated. Refresh. That’s the title of the top. To the core of this thing and we don’t need this form error stuff because there’s not going to be a form. We’ll change the tag to say account deactivated.

In my titling I’m trying to remember if I do just the first word is capitalized. I think that’s the case so maybe I should be consistent. Yes, yeah be consistent with the styling of a site I’m going to use a lowercase D and we want to take out this stuff. Let’s just check it out. so account a little friendlier than this “account deactivated” sounds very robotic> We’ll say “your account is deactivated.” We can use English. Why not. Oh maybe not not wide enough. But little bit wider. Okay, and then we want to give the prose. I guess that tells them.

Two things that tells them, you know, you’re not going to get charged again. Your subscription has been canceled. Or “your subscription to conductor was cancelled successfully.” Then tell that they’re not gonna be charged you. “You will not receive any future charges.” Then we’ll tell them “if you wish to reactivate your account please contact support.” you and that this page down here but we can send them that way so make it super easy. Although, do I care if someone deactivated? What is the probability that they’re gonna click a contact support page right at that moment is like so low that I don’t think it’s worth having a link? It’s kind of a saying like you’re it almost feels to me like saying you’re really dumb. Why did you do this? You need to do this right now. Leave it at that, and you treat people like adults that if they want to do it they can it’s not going to be a far fetch to see here’s context for it. Here’s contact. I think that’ll be okay.

Maybe you will have one more thing of we are sorry to see you go and we’ll give them a sense of time “your account is now deactivated” Okay, I think it’s a simple enough message. I the college connector rated stage in in development is a little traffic thing. It doesn’t have a lot of people trying so I think that this is a kind of MVP approach to account deactivation so I do want to offer that because there is a trial going on and I want to give people the chance to have something to see and not be like offered this horrible experience so it’s kind of good enough now.

I think with our views file here, the way you’ve got it successfully going to deactivated and as you could see from the way this ran, well actually, let’s confirm just for clarity. I’m now logged out but the deactivated page is still available which is what we want. Because logging out will be part of this process so we have a deactivated page and we’re ready to move on to these these other bits that are along the way.

There are two other things that needs to happen here. We’re doing this to do so that’s done. Back up to over the GitHub issue. If you have any questions about the deactivation workflow and the way I’m approaching it at a meet at any time let me know. I’m happy to go into my thought process behind it. I wanted to keep something fairly simple. I don’t think it’s an overly complex flow but there’s still a lot of pieces in play so it may not be super clear. We’ve got the deactivated page and we’re going to log them out when it’s done.

I was looking as I’m using the Django contrib auth system which is the default authentication system. I knew that this this logout option existed and I didn’t know its form. I didn’t know if I wanted to put the logout in the form save or if I wanted to put it in the view, but after seeing the API for this this function takes an actual request object. I thought it might take a user, but it doesn’t it take a request so that tells me that rather than putting it in the form save I really need to put it in like guess right well right where the to do is I need to call logout on the request. According to my read through the documentation, logout doesn’t throw any errors if there was a problem so like this shouldn’t be a problem anyway because we’re already verifying that this person that’s authenticated but this should be a pretty safe operation. I shouldn’t need to catch any real exceptions here so trying to think what kind of test we can do here so going back to our file testing success we’re testing. Mapped out Stripe because it’s going to call form save that’s fine and in our success path we need another assertion.

This view is passing in a request object which has a user attached to it and if logout is going to work on that request object I would speculate that the user attached to that request object we can check is authenticated and down here. We should be able to. Let’s do this. So assert, and I don’t usually like putting assertions at the front part of the test because I feel like it muddies what the test is trying to do, but let’s check is authenticated that’s true.

Actually, make sure that’s a property is authenticated function that’s not yeah as an attribute. In older versions, this was a method. That was a very important thing because it used to used to trip people up of it was it used to be a method so methods in Python are always truthy so because it was a method and some people would treat it like a property or an attribute it would return true even when that was false so it was kind of dangerous but they fixed up the API.

On that there was an API work basically so here I think my real thing that I want to do is test that the user is no longer authenticated. In other words, they’re logged out after this happens and this let’s get rid of that assert because we know that’s true beforehand so the precondition is true and this will fail on the other side because we haven’t called walk out again so we’re gonna come up to. Okay that’s at the off level so there’s login and logout we’re going to call out actually are there any other log outs in here.

Now we run a test ah interesting so this test expects a session I think I can get away with that I added

  • my requestfactory I think I called it with session so let’s go over to the test case no quest Factory check on that. Nope, I just call it session not with_session but session. Alright let’s try it again. That assertion being false that we want to do. I’m feeling now though but I probably by calling logout here I might have broken other tests in this test case. Oh no, I didn’t because this is the only one the test the success path so it’s the only one that’s going to require the session because it’s the only one getting all the way through from the top to the bottom.

That was really easy from that perspective. I didn’t know if that was going to be harder or not but it turns out not to be the case. Now we’re down to this last last bit of what we have to do. I was reading in advance of the session tonight to figure out what Django is going to do by default and so going coming back to the Django contribute auth here we have. I just searched for active and active only appears in a few places so the user model from Django control off has this is_active flag and importantly let’s do a search for is_active. I think that was the better one. Here it is so it says the log-in required decorator does not check is_active flag on either but this is the important bit.

The default authentication back ends which I’m using reject inactive users so if I turn on if I set a user to not active and log them out in the view at the same time it should effectively lock them out of the system. There’ll be other deactivated page so that they know that if they try logging and again. That is not going to work and they can contact support that that should be evident but I think these two things in tandem. Should be enough to make sure that someone can’t get back into the application after things are done so I think the right place to do that to actually set that users account to inactive is on the form saving the deactivate form.

We’re going to leave the tests and come in at the test forms and leave the views file come into the forms file. We’re here. We have save and one part about this form is that the user is attached with the self attribute from the window that your form is created so we have access to the form to the user in the form. We can do a quick assertion that’s assert true that user is active condition. To verify, you know, sanity check, although most of the time I am pretty confident that that’s happened. The case is true so the other thing I want to do. I’m going to update the docstring as well so the user subscription gets canceled and the user it is marked inactive that’s what we care about. Let’s change this to false but we probably need to do a refresh_from_db.

We have a failing test coming into the form save method and we’re going to take the user and set is active to false and then save user. Do I think that’s all the code? I guess I should preface let’s run it through some type check. All the type checks are passing. Things are looking pretty good. I feel good about this so I want to do a few things now so we’re getting close to the end of this feature. If you’re back from previous sessions, this feature is behind a feature flag so what is in the settings. Let’s get back to returning this stuff on so we can see it all.

We put this whole feature behind a feature flag so this deactivate accounts section does not appear unless a flag is activated so there’s a bunch of steps that I want to do a long the way. I want to do a basic verification that the deactivation of flow works so we’ll probably create a user really quickly that we can login as and try it allow and then we push it up to production and we turn on the flag. We see that it should be working that’s the hope so to probably do this is on the staging environment which has Stripe connected.

In order to do that I need to do a deploy. Let’s look through the diff before we commit this. We set our user to inactive by changing the is active flag to false. We tested the save and it cancels the subscription and says these are to false. So those are the two actions that it takes. Our tests for the views are now doing a deactivated page rather than trying to redirect back to the dashboard. That’s good news. We test the failure case of what happens when there’s a problem so that case is basically that the exception is caught. It’s reported to rollbar which we’ve mocked out in this test. It redirects back to the settings and that there’s a message that gets sent to the user saying that there was a problem. Then we did a quick sanity check on the deactivated the activated page to just assure that the the template is there and that we can get a 200 response from that.

The views are here where we took out all these TODOs that were part of the deactivation flow and we saved our form. We caught errors. We reported problems. This is essentially the other half of the test. The actual production code and if everything was valid. We log the user out and then redirect them to the deactivated page and then that should be done. They should be done with this system. We created a deactivated page to actually give a place to go so that’s that’s all that stuff.

Let’s commit this code and this time I’m gonna check this and we’re going to say that complete the activation flow and this fixes issue 372. Fixes… there’s a nice little shortcut that you can put in GitHub that will automatically close an issue if you include that. There’s some other I think you can do “Closes.” You can do some other variants of that I don’t remember what they are but I use Fixes. We commit that stuff and we push it up to GitHub. I use some aliases so that’s what “gp” is git push.

Vagrant is still up but let’s confirm. Vagrant is where I do my staging site and it does either came up really quickly or it already was up so let’s do a provision. It should take a minute or two. What’s happening is the code that we just pushed in GitHub is now being deployed to this virtual machine. We can go to the virtual machine. I still have a test Stripe account that is active so if we go in there and into the Stripe. Kill and try and deactivate it. Hopefully everything will go well. That’s running let me try and log into straight

Here’s the Stripe dashboard with the test data and customers. See if we still have this one but did I cancel the subscription on it. I don’t remember. I did okay Rats. We’ll just create a new customer but because this is test data it doesn’t really matter so I think what I must have done is use this customer to cancel the subscription in the last episode. I forgot about that so we’ll create a Stripe test to customer and go through the whole process to verify that it is here in the dashboard and once it’s verified and will actually go through the deactivate flow and see if it behaves like we wanted to.

If it does then I will do a deployment to production and we’ll go into the flag - admin dashboard and go turn it on and see how it looks and then we’ll probably wrap up for for the day. We are done with the deployment let’s go to the conductor test site.

I’m currently logged in. That’s something I want to fix. Give you an indicator of who is logged in. I want to put that a username somewhere you’re logged in but maybe next to dashboard or something like that. Some kind of clue that should be pretty easy one. Because I think right now I’m then as Stripe test.

The first thing I’m going to do though is sign in as admin because pretty sure don’t have that flag turned on. Let’s go to the settings. There’s no deactivate turned on it’s not on the staging site so we’re gonna go to the admin and this can be the same process that I’m going to use for the production site as well so you’ll see it twice. Where I went to the place where feature Flags are defined I’m using Django Waffle and I’m gonna add a flag and the flag name is deactivate_flag and I want to turn it on for everyone. Save that so now deactivate_flag is on for everyone. You can go back to the site go back to the dashboard, check the settings, and there it is. I’ve got my dummy email address in here and yeah everything’s good.

Let’s do a sign up we’ll do Stripe test two and Stripe test to at nowhere dot com. Give it a password and a fake credit card which for Stripe is just a bunch of 42s on repeat so you can just keep typing for two for two for two til you’re done. We’ll create the free trial. Alright, neat, so we have a refresh there should be a straight test to account our customer. I should say and there is okay so someone did that by accident whatever and they want to get out of here they look for how to deactivate.

The most obvious place would be their settings. Here’s their deactivate account. We give them this message that says if you deactivate will halt your subscription you won’t be charged. It’s reassuring. We tell them in advance that here’s how you’re going to reactivate if you want to and we give a simple barrier so people don’t do this by accident. But this is a copy-paste kind of thing where we’re just replacing putting the email that is on file with the account so here’s the moment of truth when we hit the activate does the validation happen it goes to the save it should cancel the subscription at Stripe. Actually, I guess before we do that let’s come in here and make sure there is a subscription. Oh yeah, there’s a subscription with Stripe. It should logout the user dump them to the deactivated page so this dashboard and logout should go away and it should become login and sign up again. And that should be all the behavior. let’s click deactivate and see what happens.

Great, we got to the deactivated page. That’s encouraging. It looks like we’re logged out because we’re being prompted to log in again and that’s refresh count page there it is cancelled the subscription so that seems like success to me. Since that is successful I’m going to go ahead and deploy it. It’s the same kind of process. This will take a little bit longer because instead of connecting over localhost it’s now doing an actual ssh connection to the remote server where college conductor lives.

In a minute, to activate the flag I will login. I’ll be logged in with my admin account at least. Go to the settings page and see that that settings there I’m not going to test it with my admin account because I don’t want to deactivate that account on the production site. That would be foolish. I’m pretty confident that the feature work which is exciting. I guess while that’s wrapping up with the deploy we can talk through the set of steps that we went through to do this whole feature.

To start off with, I wanted to start at the user experience level so we actually started with that chunk of dialog in the settings. This is not a fancy form but it’s not an inelegant form either. In its simplicity, it conveys what it needs to to get the message across that here’s what you’re about to do. It doesn’t make it hard to be deactivate but it doesn’t make it so that you can accidentally do it. But those are all important things to me. I didn’t want people like clicking the button by mistake and then calling me, support, asking for help of “why can’t I get back into my accounts something’s gone wrong” So that was the design of this form.

Then once we had the form in place like we really didn’t do anything fancy of this form it was pure HTML markup that didn’t connect anything. We then went into and created the view that this thing would talk to. That view was a post only view that was only accessible to authenticated users so no one else can randomly log you out. And on top of that there’s additional protections that because you have to supply the email you have to know the email that’s associated with that account so some if I was logged in you were logged in, I couldn’t log you out because my email address is not going to match your email address if we both had accounts on College Conductor. There’s some safeguards against people logging each other out deactivating other accounts if someone was that nefarious which would be ridiculous but possible I guess so at least that protection is there so we have the form that does that.

The form process went through and canceled the subscription at Stripe which it made a Stripe API call. In that process of doing the Stripe API call we talked about custom error handling and how to make sure that the experience for the user in the event of an error is, you know, nobody likes getting errors and dealing with that but at least they wouldn’t get this page that says “oh we messed up badly” and don’t know what to do. It’s essentially a guarded error that were actually thought through and are making sure that they’re going to get taken care of because not only are they told to contact support so I would know immediately but also the error message was sent off to the error tracking service. I’d be able to correlate the failure and be able to say right off the bat “oh yeah I’m so sorry I see it in the the backend information that we have that you know Stripe was some some part of Stripe was down or there was a network failure and I’m totally happy to resolve at all.” You know we can get this result because I don’t want people walking away from account deactivation with this really bad terrible experience.

Once the Stripe half of the equation was resolved then we moved on to the College Conductor half which is making sure the account gets locked out that the user is marked as inactive so they can no longer access the service unless they specifically request to get back in. That’s the entirety of the feature and our deployment is done. Let’s go over to the website. I’m going to login with my login credentials and going to check over here and see there’s no deactivate section here yet because we haven’t created the flag so the thing to do now is to go into the admin and deactivate_flag to turn this on for everybody.

If I had a large user base, which I don’t, maybe I’d want to phase out how are not phase out rollout do the phasing of this flag in stages. But I don’t so we’re just going to turn on globally and then verify on site that it is there. Great, it is. That also covers the whole story of feature flags except for one date. The feature flags are useful for being able to toggle this on and off like if I wanted to, actually, let’s just do it just to show the benefit of this say I really goofed and one of my users comes in and says and deactivation is itself is probably a bad idea but let’s think about a feature that is generally useful but it’s not going to cancel somebody’s account. They try out the feature and notice a horrible bug that causes them a really bad experience but I have other users and I don’t want to have more people come in and using the feature flag system. I could say “oh that’s really bad” Let’s do this. You know if we go backwards and turn the feature off, now I’ll come back to here and the feature flag is off over here so if we refresh the page, it goes away so the feature that was maybe causing a problem in production for other users you can turn it off. You can then have yourself or if you have engineers working for you whatever your system is go in and taking the data of what the user experience was that caused a failure, go in, and fix it and make sure that it gets fixed properly and then come back in and turn it on again. That is the true value of flags. They give you this ability to toggle stuff which is super cool.

If you didn’t do that, let’s think about the process if you weren’t using a flag system. If you weren’t using a flag system you’d roll out your feature and the the pitfall of that of a flagless system is what happens when your user comes in and says hey this thing doesn’t work. Same scenario as just a second ago. It doesn’t work. Something is wrong. What can I do? You don’t have the ability to, in an instant, turn the feature off so you might have other users encounter that same error along the way. We’re going to pile on and maybe become dissatisfied customers because you know a customer that doesn’t even know a feature exists yet, like hasn’t seen it, hasn’t used it, they’re not going to feel any animosity towards you. But a customer who sees a new feature and tries it out and it’s broken is not going to be super happy.

This gives you that control there because in that scenario where you don’t have a flag system you have to suddenly either scramble to fix it as fast as possible and just apologize to people as they start hitting this problem or you have to have a rollback strategy to roll your code back and if you’re in a complex enough system there might be other things that have gone into that release. Flags let you have the finer granularity to roll things out when they’re ready this becomes even more important as your team gets larger and you’re integrating a lot of code in and you know you want to control when things are seen to users.

That’s the whole benefit of a feature flag system but to close the loop on a feature flag there are plenty of flags that you might want to leave in forever. Like maybe a third party integration, like for example, what’s an obvious example. Let’s say you’re trying a new third party service like Mixpanel which is tracking user actions on your site and doing this sort of analytics and you’re not you’re not sold on Mixpanel. What you could do is put Mixpanel behind a flag so that you can quickly toggle the the service on or off and having that ability to toggle that gives you the flexibility of if you decide to go for it, that it’s good, or maybe you have different environments like a QA environment where you actually don’t want Mixpanel on. Having the flagging system where you can turn that off for Quality Assurance purposes because that’s that data would just junk up your analytics.

You could do that but enlarged flags or while flags can be used for that purpose like systems like this are more meant for rolling out of features so when you are satisfied with a flag you should go through the process of cleaning it up. Because if you look through the code… let’s do this. If we search for the deactivate_flag, that’s what we name this flag. Now this is, thankfully, this one it’s only in one place. Let’s close that. It is an extra, essentially, it looks like a conditional. It causes an extra level of indentation and now we have this flag thing. This seems fine for now since it’s just one flag, but imagine you wanted to put another flag inside of here like, you wanted to play with the copy and you wanted to do like an a/b test then you have another flag in here and imagine you another flag that’s down here that’s testing an extra attribute on the form. You’re testing that out so feature flag systems that are left around become a cluttering and a nesting of conditional type of logic.

I think what I want to do to finish off the whole feature and complete the life cycle of this is to make the fairly straightforward modification of “are we done with this flag?” I’m going to delete that and make it a permanent part of the production code so, flag or no flag, this will always be there. Because this is not one of those those features that needs to be selectively controlled like a Mixpanel so we removed the flag. Since we’re not using any sort of flag in here we can now delete the load of waffle_tags which makes flag available. That’s a small bit of cleanup that will get the flag out of the system and that is good enough to commit. I’m going to add that to the stage and say remove deactivate_flag.

That really closes out the whole deactivate flow that’s everything we intended to do. There are little bits that I might I’m not sure if I’m going to do this on stream or not but I can maybe show it off next time. I have a part of my process that I mentioned in the sign up. Let me show it in the sign up. I indicate to anyone who signs up that my SaaS app asks for a credit card up front. I don’t want to do the freemium model and I don’t want to have a high load for people who are trying it out who have no intention of actually providing a credit card and never paying for the service. By having that bit of friction, it does reduce dramatically the number of people who come in to do a trial and I’m ok with that because the point is to get people who are qualified enough that says “I’m willing to try this and put a credit card down knowing that I have a month to try it out.” And cancel is an important aspect of that though is telling people that the trial is coming close to an end.

See at this bottom paragraph that I tell people, you know, three days before your trial is about to be over, I’ll email you, letting you know, hey, we’re going to charge you soon if you have enjoyed the service and want to continue using it. If not, go over to the settings page and you can deactivate your account. I haven’t actually hooked up that up yet so I gotta make good on that because I have an active trial who’s getting close to that window and I don’t want to be untruthful. This was a minimum viable product. It was a decent claim that I could make knowing that I would honor that if I if I got someone trialing so since I’m in a position to do that I’m going to work with the email service that I use, which is Drip, and Drip connects to Stripe and Stripe is connected and has the subscription so I can go into Drip and connect it to a Stripe event of when the trial is ending. I’m pretty sure that’s configurable and then send out the email that says “hey, go to your account settings page if you wish to deactivate otherwise we’re going to charge you when the trial is over and get you know paying for the service and getting value out of it.”

I may do that this week. I don’t remember how many days the the trial that I have going has so if it’s less than the amount of time between now and next week, I need to do that, but if it’s not, I might do this on stream and will poke around at other aspects of a SaaS.

It’s not always just about coding and Django and Python. There are other services that you use that you have to be comfortable with and get the best value out of. I can show you at least one of them. Drip is a really cool tool. I think that’s probably about it so that will wrap us up for tonight.

If this is something that if you found this useful you can share it out on X I will also post this to YouTube like I do regularly so if you want to refer back to anything that I said, you are certainly welcome to do that. If you found this useful, I’d love to hear from you, find out what you liked about it. I’m on X as mblayman. I’m also on GitHub. I’m also on a bunch of place in the places as mblayman so look for me around. I appreciate your feedback. Trying to think if there’s anything else that that needs to be said. Probably not so that brings us to a close for the night. I appreciate you tuning in and we’ll catch you next week when we run more SaaS development. Take care.