Developer Health Survey

I’ll cut to the chase on this:

If you are a software developer, can you help me identify our community’s biggest health issues by answering a few questions?

Here is the Google Form with developer health survey questions.

As January came around, I spent time reviewing my annual goals. Some of the goals always relate to my health and doing something to stay fit, physically and mentally.

While thinking about this for myself, I wondered what software developers do about this. I’ve read plenty of stories focusing on self care. Some popular topics encountered:

  • Workspace ergonomics like standing desks, mechanical keyboards, and monitor lighting
  • Nutritional topics including the role of caffeine, Soylent, and popular developer stereotypes around junk food
  • Mental subjects like ADHD and meditation

These articles are spread all over Reddit and other popular developer channels.

What I didn’t find was a resource that pulls all these things together. Nerd Fitness exists to help with some physical conditioning. OSMI looks like a valuable resource for mental illness. But where is the site that focuses on software developers and talks extensively about physical and mental health issues?

This brings us to the survey.

I’m hoping to learn the largest issues that the developer community faces and put together a resource website containing well-researched information that can help developers live their healthiest lives.

Could you help me out by answering the survey?

Your feedback would be so appreciated. And once you’re done, could you share this survey out to your peers and coworkers?

The more data we collect, the better the final resource site can be.

Here is the Developer Health Survey Google Form again.

Thank you so much for your time.